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Find Out When Hemorrhoids Need To Operate

Nearly three out of four adults suffer from hemorrhoids. The exact cause of hemorrhoids is unknown, but this condition often results from straining during bowel movements or childbirth. Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are swollen veins (varicose veins) in the rectum or lower colon. In the medical world, hemorrhoids are called hemorrhoids. When located in the rectum, this condition is called external hemorrhoids. Whereas hemorrhoids located in the large intestine end is called internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be treated in various ways, both with treatment independently at home or through surgery. Before talking further about hemorrhoids treatment, you should first identify the signs of hemorrhoids.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Although sometimes it does not cause symptoms, sufferers will feel pain when blood clots form on the hemorrhoids. Symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on its location, whether internal or external hemorrhoids. But in general, the symptoms of hemorrhoids that can be felt by patients are:
  • Itching or irritation in the anal or rectal area
  • Discomfort or pain in the rectal area
  • Bloody bowel movements
  • Lumps and swelling in the anus
The following are symptoms that can be felt by hemorrhoid sufferers, based on the location of the formation of hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids

In the beginning, sufferers did not feel any complaints. Because it is located inside, this type of hemorrhoid is not visible. But over time, friction by feces during bowel movements, especially when straining and hard stools, can damage the surface of hemorrhoids and cause bowel movements. If the internal hemorrhoids are not treated and get worse, swelling of the blood vessels in the large intestine will end out of the rectum. The discharge of blood vessels in internal hemorrhoids is used as a benchmark to assess the severity of hemorrhoids. The following is the explanation:
  • Class 1, if the hemorrhoids have not come out to the anus or rectum.
  • Class 2, if the hemorrhoids that come out of the anus can reenter itself.
  • Class 3, when the hemorrhoids come out, but can be put back with the fingers.
  • Class 4, if the hemorrhoids come out and cannot come back at all.
To ensure the presence of internal hemorrhoids that have not come out, the doctor will do a digital rectal examination. On a digital rectal examination, the doctor will insert a lubricated finger into the rectum, to feel a lump of hemorrhoids. Then the doctor will conduct further examinations by looking directly at the condition of the lower intestine, using a special tool called anoscope, proctoscope, or sigmoidoscope.

External hemorrhoids

This type of hemorrhoids will feel itchy, and if rubbed or become irritated will cause bloody chapter. Swelling of these blood vessels will easily be seen as a lump in the rectum. Doctors can recognize external hemorrhoids only by examining the anal area. In external hemorrhoids, blood can collect and form clots (thrombus). This condition can cause severe pain and a hard lump in the anus.

How to Treat Hemorrhoids

Most external hemorrhoids and class 1 and 2 internal hemorrhoids can be treated independently at home, namely:
  • Eat foods that are high in fiber.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Do not push when defecating.
  • Do not sit on the toilet for a long time, for example defecating while reading.
  • Sit and soak your buttocks in a tub of warm water, several times a day.
Especially for external hemorrhoids, clean the rectum carefully after defecation, because cleaning the anal area will be more difficult if there are lumps of hemorrhoids outside. In addition to taking the above treatment steps, you can also consult a doctor to get painkillers, laxatives, or medications that are inserted into the rectum to alleviate hemorrhoid complaints. Although mild hemorrhoids can be treated alone at home, you should immediately see a doctor if you experience bloody chapter. In external hemorrhoids that have caused annoying complaints, internal hemorrhoids grade 3 and 4, or hemorrhoids that experience heavy bleeding, doctors will usually recommend surgery. Some types of operations to treat hemorrhoids are:

1. Rubber band ligation

The surgeon will tie the hemorrhoids with a special rubber material. This binding causes hemorrhoids to lose blood supply, so the lumps of hemorrhoids will shrink and eventually disappear.

2. Sclerotherapy

The doctor will inject special chemicals into the hemorrhoids, which causes the hemorrhoids to turn into scar tissue and shrink.

3. Laser therapy

In this procedure, the doctor will use a laser beam to shrink and harden the hemorrhoids.

4. Hemorrhoidectomy

This hemorrhoid surgery procedure is carried out in the operating room and uses drugs. Hemorrhoidectomy is done by removing all hemorrhoids.

5. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy

This procedure is the latest surgical technique to treat hemorrhoids and is the treatment of choice for treating severe hemorrhoids. This operation does not eliminate hemorrhoids, but tightens the supporting tissue of loose hemorrhoids so that the hemorrhoids do not protrude. Hemorrhoids treatment depends on the location and severity. In external hemorrhoids, as well as grade 1 and 2 internal hemorrhoids, surgery is not necessary. Surgery needs to be done on external hemorrhoids that cause symptoms, as well as grade 3 and 4 internal hemorrhoids.


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